
If you thought Battleship was AWESOME…

March 21, 2010

Check this out!!!

Rules of the game

You miss the other persons ship you drink water or a weak Alcoholic drink…

Punishment for your stupidity and bad luck

If you hit there ship or in this case the other persons shot glass they have to drink the shot…

Drink to you drop or until you begin to have war like flashbacks in the toilet

And your friends finds you curled up into fetal potion

Crying out

Nah man. Nah. I can’t go back man. There was just to many of them! They got him! I tried to go back from him but the bastards got him! It’s over for him! His passed out with a

moustache drawn on his face… Nah man I can’t do that”


You sunk my livership




March 21, 2010

Must have for exciting living!!!



…I miss you Land of the Rising Sun…

August 29, 2012


….One thing I miss about Japan is they’re outrageous sense of Fashion

!!It was AMAZING!!

..They don’t conform and blend in..

…And nothing is out of bounds or strange

To me it felt like home, and it was the first time I was able to walk around wearing what I wanted to wear with out people staring and whispering


…I never really did care what others though of me… And they can criticize my sense of fashion as much as they want…

To me its a sign of jealousy, and hey you know your famous if people gossip about you right.




And some monkeys from Jigokudani Yaen Koen




August 12, 2012

First off…I am generally not a huge makeup fan

    If I had it my way… I’d never wear make up… ever… and I generally do everything I can to avoid wearing any…

But then again…… I do understand how it can fascinate millions of women around the world… And build a multimillion dollar business… 

Because sometimes it is fun, watching your face morph and change before your eyes


It can provide you with the confidence to put your best face forward … to face the world by concealing our human flaws


I am here to present you with a before and after shot of me… with and without makeup

….Himegyaru styles…

…I should also add that this is my first time doing this look… And I do not generally go out with this much makeup…




I was a bit lazy and skipped the contacts

And just a little bonus… here’s one of my gyaru dress



…Most Possible…

December 2, 2010

I was told I’d never live pass 19 by the doctors; I’m turning 24 this month

I was told I’d never pass year 12 by a councillor; I’m graduating from RMIT with Bachelors this year

I was told I did not have the right mind for Science; I majored in advanced analytical Chemistry

I was told I’d never find someone to love me and I’m ugly, I found my soul mate that tells me I’m beautiful everyday…

I was told I’ll always be alone; I may not have 500 friends on face book, but the ones I have I’ll fight for, the family that I have  would die for me, and a Panda that will never leave me…


Though this has been said a million times through the generations, as I step into a new chapter in my life, I can’t help but reflect and smile at all the people I made fools off by proving them wrong…  So like I tell my little brother, don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do if you really love it… Live the life you’re given as yours… make your mistakes, just make sure you learn from it…. Geez…. and…


Bless those that we lost these pass years, we will always love you… And bless those that are left behind, it is they that will tell future generations of the life you lived and how amazing you really were…


…  (P.S… But about the whole don’t let anyone tell you what to do… if  it’s like something extremely stupid and dangerous, like drinking petrol and spitting fire, don’t do cause then you’re just a !)…




…mmMMMmmmm Snow…

August 13, 2010

How freaking cute is he…. I have  a strange obsession with these Japanese Snow monkeys..To the point where I am actually going to visit the epicenter of technology,  Japan, just  to see one face to face… and maybe steal one and take him back to my home land…



This made me LoL my self…

April 28, 2010

…Mushroom soup

You know there’s something wrong with the world when even smurfs are a sucidal



coming soon



….Bee story….

April 5, 2010

Have you ever wonder, as I obviously have, how man in all it’s glories “power” can still be afraid of one little bee…. A creature covered in black and yellow fur a millionth of on average man’s size…. To be frankendog I find it absolutely hilarious

This little realization came to mind as I was walking towards the escalators in the infamous Asian capital of Melbourne, *shudders* Springvale, when I witness the sudden fear and tread in Baozer’s eye when he saw this little creature, this little nectar collector hovering around… This young man… to be fair is not of average “Australian” size , but more of the orient south eastern average size…. is still hundred’s if not thousands time larger then this little bee and yet like most of the human population they panic, run, and basically go berserk every time there is a bee in their immediate vicinity…..

I mean yes if you have an allergic reaction to bee stings, then it’s not really funny… But seriously come on….. a bee… a freaking cute little bee….

Come on people if I was a bee and I knew how people reacted to me you know what I would do….

*Phase to fantasy segment….*

I would fly up to my little bee friends go. “Hey see those guys sitting on the grass.”

Bee friends. “Yea?”

“Watch me make them scream like a little bitch.”

“Oh dude that would be freaking awesome.”

“Hell yea! Show them I’m the king if the jungle.”

“Oh dude I would pollinate every plant in this freaking neighbor if you make them cry.”

“Oh hell yea! This is my grass! THIS IS MY TURF BITCH!

Fly’s over to people sipping their latte. Humans. “Oh he was fully checking me out…….. O.M.G there’s a bee behind you don’t move.”


Yo I just came down to say bzz.”

Humans become hysterical swiping around before standing up and running to the nearest shelter.

See people do you see how pathetic we look to rest of the animal kingdom when run away from bees. Just stay calm, ignore, and act natural….. Unless that is I die and come back as a bad ass bee… Then…Thennnnn watch your back if your on my black list… cause you know why… yea you know……



Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!!!

April 3, 2010

The most Awesomest…Hottest… Perfect guy in this dimension…

March 25, 2010

Dean Winchester aka Jensen Ankles

Great Comedic Timing…

Great Actor…

And did I mention WOW!

Even guys have man crushes on him!




March 24, 2010

I put this up because Bao is feeling exactly the same…..

